Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Halifax adventure

I was in the city for the weekend. Sunday morning we went geocaching. Eileen found the treasure. This is my son and his two children. I am back in the country now borrowing computers, but I begin work in New Brunswick in a few days and should have a computer shortly thereafter.

Friday, May 23, 2008

wall boarding

Some skate board, but I wall board. Actually my son did all the the work yesterday fitting it up the stairs. On this rainy morning I sunk further screws, put up the beading and meshed the seams. So now it is on to slapping up the mud, but I really hope for sunny days so I can work outside. I have one more week before I pick up stakes and head off to my new position across the Bay of Fundy in New Brunswick.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

tulips by the potager

I went up the Valley today to deal with an accountant and a lawyer. Both visits went well, gave me energy, but I just want to quietly putter around my garden and visit with my friends.

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

rain again

As I walked to the car through the rain earlier this morning, I snapped this picture of the willow coming into leaf. I was making the run over the mountain into town to pick up supplies for tomorrow's drywalling, which my son is doing whilst I run errands and appointments up the Valley. So with the rain pouring down, I picked up a couple of friends and we made for Timmy's, the coffee shop, to brighten up a dark day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


The roof has just been finished and should last for another twenty years. The neighbours reckoned that the last one was there for thirty years at the very least. So stuff is happening and I am still scraping the shingles on the walls. Then I look out to the bay or up to the hills and I know why I am back here making my own home.

Monday, May 19, 2008

under the weather

This is the potager that I have been trying to resurrect. But it's been raining, and I, too, have been under the weather these past few days. Perhaps my body is telling me to let up a little.

Saturday, May 17, 2008

been working

I have to borrow computers to put this up now that I am down east in Nova Scotia fixing up my house. So now the entries are more sporadic. This wall is now painted with primer up as high as I can reach. I tackle a bit each day, but there is also a garden that has overgrown for a couple of years. Friends have come and helped me and progress is in the works.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

early morning

Early in the morning just across the road the horses were grazing on the hill. I cannot capture the mist in the photo, but I hope that this brings a certain dampness with it for you to share.

Monday, May 12, 2008

terrorized cats

The terror of the cats arrived to spend the weekend. Lola the beagle, accompanied by grandchildren and their parents,burst through the door and saw her quarry. Cats scattered. Lola is a small dog with a smaller brain and a hound nose. At the first sight of the cats she bayed and chased. The cats don't realize that she is just a chaser and not a killer. If they would only turn around and swat Lola, that beagle would be put in her rightful place, but no, total mayhem. How long will it take for them all to accommodate each other?

Thursday, May 8, 2008

visiting cats

I was visiting an old friend and left my purse on the floor. Her cat likes to investigate purses. His head was right in checking it out. So here he is, having taken possession of my bag.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

painting yellow

There are some dreadful old cupboards that had been torn out of a kitchen and put up temporarily. But as it looks like temporary may be some time, I found a can of "oops" kitchen paint and the cupboards and this little crate of a bookshelf became hot dog mustard yellow this morning. Thanks to such a good friend who came over the mountain this morning and got into the paint pot!

Monday, May 5, 2008

fish 'n chips

Just to get back into the Nova Scotia groove a friend and I went to the fish stand. My real heart didn't thank me, but my tummy and heart of hearts knew that I had returned home.

Saturday, May 3, 2008


I walked to the shore to reintroduce myself to the ocean.

Friday, May 2, 2008


This is our wharf, just a stroll down the road. The lobster boats are gearing up and the tide is about midway. It is so good to be back.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

end of the road

They closed the roads behind me as I raced the flood waters. I packed to leave Northern Ontario in the first photo and I arrived at my old house in need of renovation in Nova Scotia three days later. It was an amazing trip with two days of snow and then torrential rain. And here I am in the sunshine.