The colder is gets, the brighter and sunnier it gets, so it can be quite deceiving.
I was lying in bed this morning with the temperature around -30, thinking of my little car with its block heater plugged in, listening to the radio, when I heard a report about cars which had been plugged in burning up and taking the garage and then the house with them. So then they had a fire chief warning that cars should only be plugged in for a couple of hours before you use them. I then remembered a friend saying that her daughter's car had burnt up. My stress level increased and I got up and went out into the cold and unplugged the car.
Sisyphus: A Symbol For Our Times
1 day ago
1 comment:
Do you know what they use to keep the hydrants from freezing? Magic spells and incantations? Or what?
Sign me impressed!
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