Monday, January 18, 2010

23 pounds

I have lost 23 pounds and I have 21 more to go. So I am over halfway. I started at the beginning of November. It really shows in my face. I look dreadful. I think a lot about food.

This is my favourite grocery store. Just above the ginger, the shallots and the tomatoes, there is a pianist banging out mostly honky tonk. I was standing right under him when I took the picture. And then the savoy cabbages. I think that there is nothing, well hardly anything, on earth as beautiful as a savoy cabbage.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Holy moly! 23 pounds! You're really determined, so good for you. You sound a bit ambivalent, though . . . "I look dreadful" . . . oh, dear, that doesn't sound positive.