Monday, March 22, 2010

back field

We went exploring the back field last Friday when I was back home and came on this cluster of granite rocks. They must have come from elsewhere, because on the North Mountain and down to the shore we are on columnar basalt. It is a volcanic dike pushed up when Nova Scotia, which came over separately, collided with the rest of North America. We are actually only attached by a stretch of marshland. We're very special here.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

We're lucky here in the rest of Canada that you decided to come join us!

JustMe (Margaret) said...

We have these all over the non-granite parts of New England, too. They're called "glacial erratics."
Several friends have discovered them (immovable objects in their hoped-for gardens) and fashioned lovely rock gardens in & around them.

Judith said...

Yep, but these rocks were in a cluster and a couple had vestiges of concrete, so they had been moved.