Saturday, April 24, 2010

Route 1 continued

Some day we shall complete Route 1 from Fort Kent to Key West, but this time we covered from Portland to Brunswick in the rain. The first stop was in Falmouth at Delorme Maps. This is Eartha the largest globe in the world. It slowly revolves.Fascinating.

The second stop was at the humungous and fascinating L.L. Bean stores in Freeport:

And the third stop was the Bowdoin College Museum of Art in Brunswick. 
This is one of Bowdoin's six imposing relief sculptures from the Assyrian King Assurnazirpal's palace built in the ninth century BC, destroyed in the seventh century BC and excavated in the nineteenth century AD by the British archaeologist A.H. Layard. I was thrilled to see up close what I had only seen in dusty old books. I liked the works by Danny Jauregui, and there was a stunning work by Andrew Wyeth. This is it: "Night Hauling"
We had a great afternoon!


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hey, if you've got a fetish for big boots, come visit Edmonton where we have the biggest cowboy boot in Canada. Yup, classy.

Rita said...

i would love to see that! Judith, you make our trips so much more with your pictures, commentaries and links. i love you!