It's funny how purple sometimes looks like blue. In some languages blue and purple are the same word.
A while back, way back, I was having lunch with three Catholic priests. It was the day before Shrove Tuesday. The conversation turned to what they were all going to give up for Lent. Then they turned and asked me.
"You can't give up something you don't like."
"I love snow."
"How are you going to give up snow?"
"Tomorrow evening I'm flying to Mexico for a month."
And I did. I flew to Mexico City and very early the next morning I made my way to the bus station to catch a bus north. As we drove out of the city valley snow began to fall. Children, delirious with joy, were running in it by the side of the road. Snow was unheard of. The bus tyres were bald and the wipers were marginal. Snow was accumulating in large flakes. I was wearing sandals and it was snowing on Ash Wednesday. I never told the Catholic priests. I didn't want to give them smug satisfaction. It would not be good for their souls.