Monday, March 23, 2009


Land at last after seven glorious days at sea! Using the internet on the boat costs hundreds of dollars - so here I am at a government station availing myself of the Portuguese services - somewhat handicapped as these are my first hours in Portuguese and I haven´t caught on as of yet. So what is it like? Like heaven with the usual little streets, flowers everywhere, tiled homes and cobbled streets with fantastic shops. I am in Madeira. The ship is great and the crossing was smooth. And see, I am still here. Everyone was dispairing of ever hearing from me again, I know, well, I hope.

1 comment:

Debbie in CA : ) said...

Oh . . . sounds wonderful. We were dusted with about an inch+ of snow yesterday, but it has all gone away (how nice) and the week promises springtime fun. You will be having a different kind of fun, I am sure. Nice to know you had a great crossing. EnJOY! : D