Thursday, March 26, 2009


I have no idea where the picture went and I am running out of time on the slot machine computer that is beside the bar in this arcade in Cadiz. I feel totally inadequate and computer dumb. And as soon as I get out of here (the arcade)I shall go back to having a wonderful time. Maybe I should get something from the bar as it is after 11 am and then I´ll feel better about it all.


Debbie in CA : ) said...

Oh my! Don't mix computer with pleasure if it makes you feel disconnected from the holiday feeling. Just store up those treasures and memories and spill them at will when you're back in your familiar cyber-surrounds.

EnJOY yourself fully, my friend. : D

Donna said...

You must be having an amazing adventure.I don't know how long your trip is going to be, but I suspect you won't be ready for it to end. Maybe when you're back home, you'll decide you'd like to communicate again--or not. I really dislike abrupt endings and despite the short time we corresponded, closure with comments from your end would be appreciated. dw in flg.