Wednesday, January 20, 2010

fashion statements

So we are now sporting matching blue Argyle collars. I was looking for rhinestones, but these nifty collars will snap off if they get snagged. Further, I couldn't get any with bells. The Czarina went wild when I tried a bell on her. She kept trying to run away from it. So here is Miss Johnston. The Czarina has that thick Russian Blue fur and the collar sinks into the plushness. But Miss Johnston, being the common cat she is, is happy to sit for a photo. The Czarina runs away when she sees a camera. She is, however, in this photo, hiding in the back. I have a matching key chain.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Accessorizing is the most important fashion skill there is. Glad to hear all 3 girls match!