Thursday, January 21, 2010

to prorogue or not

Prorogue: to defer the sitting of Parliament. You may get the idea if you click the "Wanted" poster and read the text. It infuriates me that Parliament could simply be cancelled by the whim of the Prime Minister. But listen up sister!  My sister had suggestedyesterday that I go to a nearby demonstration this weekend to voice my rage. But as luck would have it, in this immense country of ours, I read in the paper this morning that the Prime Minister was coming to our town today to announce that his government would help to fund a proposed pool and rink. But where? Then on my way back from the garage I drove by this band of stalwart demonstrators. I turned, parked the car and joined them for a spell. The prime minister was in the building behind them. He had said that Canadians did not care if he prorogued parliament. So I stood waving a sign saying "I care". Cars honked, people waved, thumbs were up.  I am not politically neutral.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Feels good to make your views known, doesn't it? Here in Edmonchuk, the only "prorogue" people get worked up about is "prorogue-ies." A terrible pun, I know, but I couldn't resist.

And thanks for telling me about Magog, Quebec and its lake monster -- cool!