Sunday, November 22, 2009


I was heading out for a nice invitation to dinner, but we were all new to Truro, and didn't know about the Santa Claus parade. I was one and three quarter hours late. I went out my front door and found that the street blocked off and the people lined up three or four deep. So I got myself a spot to watch the proceedings.
The parade took an hour to unwind, Every organization and many businesses had floats. There were performing dogs, fake fuzzy bears, clowns, lots of candy being handed out and excited children. The most important person was at the end of the parade in a wagon drawn by "reindeer". They were my absolute favourite.

and, of course, there was:

I suppose that I had better start shopping.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, you've got big reindeer in Nova Scotia!