Monday, November 2, 2009

I'm back!

The movers came and swept me away back to Nova Scotia, but miles and kilometres away from my real home. It was a lovely warm day for a move. Now I am ensconced in a delightful town and here is the view from my living room window:

What it does not show is that the apartment residents have attached laundry lines to the trees below. We are green here. Besides, the machines in the building are coin operated.

And finally I look out my bedroom window at an underwear factory. I hear they have a factory outlet. I have already received orders and sizes from family members. When I was small all the boys wore long underwear under their britches, and they were always called "Stanfields".


Debra She Who Seeks said...

Yes, Stanfield's -- a Canadian institution if ever there was one! Glad to hear you're settling in to your new place and hope the new gig goes well too.

Britt-Arnhild said...

Happy moving!