Saturday, September 26, 2009

down in the mine

I went down into the potash mine. The surreal effect is from all the dust in the air. There I was up in the cabin of the humungous machine operating the gears and grinding the ore off the walls. I'll bet you are all pretty impressed.
I am heading home to Nova Scotia tomorrow - so there will be some gaps in my postings.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

If you're down in a potash mine, you must be in Saskatchewan because isn't that where all Canadian potash is?

Judith said...

No - there is a Potash Corp mine in New Brunswick and another one being built. The potash is shipped out of Saint John to South and Central America. The salt is used locally and shipped to Montreal for use on the winter roads.

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Wow, learn something new every day! Thanks!