Sunday, November 15, 2009


Anniversary Sunday - 249th - earliest Presbyterian Church in the country. I've told them to pull out all the stops for next year. Meanwhile there is a light rain and I am in between a celebratory lunch and the anniversary concert. I can, as yet, only post when I am at the office - and tomorrow I am being evicted for the day so they can pull up the carpet. Here is a shot from the choir loft before the people gather. This building was built, I think, in 1911, after the old church was destroyed by fire. It portrays the sense of prosperity and station those old Presbyterians held in the town. Times have changed.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So is it still a (Continuing) Presbyterian Church or is it a United Church now? I love those beautiful wooden pews and balcony!

Judith said...

It's now a United Church (United Church of Canada) The newer continuing Presbyterian Church is next door across the parking lot.