Monday, December 14, 2009


The snow is gone. The weather is mild again, and the churches have set out their crèches. Now the thing about all these amazing home made creations is not the six or less weeks when they  are on display, but where they are stored for the remainder of the year. This church has an unfinished under croft, so they can be stored away, sort of,  But you can poke around in the catacombs of most churches and come across the holy family in July, in not such dignified surroundings.

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Hmmm, must give one a bit of a start to find the BVM lying in a crawl space. Or Jesus under a bunch of boxes. Of course they've both manifested in stranger places at times. Tim Horton's, anyone? Hee hee!