Thursday, June 21, 2007


Just 6 kilometers from this little house on a city street is a pristine lake with lovely slopping rocks. We parked on a busy road, disappeared into the woods and following a winding trail, with children and a dog, was this perfect uninhabited lake. In the distance on other rocks were several other swimmers and dogs all enjoying what was for us the first swim of the year.
I am a far, far more natural swimmer than a dancer. Swimming is always, for me, a spiritual experience. The water seems holy. Well, real water, I am not a fan of swimming pools. I prefer to take my chances with the leeches and the sharks, although neither have got me yet. I suppose that this is my ability to take some risks, within reason. So now that I think about it, swimming is a far better metaphor for me than dancing. I am coming at last to know myself.

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