Tuesday, October 20, 2009

coffee shop

When I was in Northern Ontario there were seven Tim Horton's but not one place where one could relax in a comfy chair with a cappuccino. Tim Horton's is a fast food doughnut franchise. Then a couple of months before I left there Christopher's opened with soft lighting and comfy chairs and good coffee. So I came to New Brunswick to a two Tim Horton's town. And now two weeks before I leave this place a good coffee shop opens with fairly traded coffee, comfy chairs, a fireplace and relaxing decor. And now I have had to cut out caffeine - so here is my pot of herbal tea, but still the company and the surroundings are fabulous.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

There's a clear cause-and-effect going on here. Your presence in a town is enough to cause new fancy-shmancy coffee shops to open. You are Tim Horton's biggest nightmare.

Emily said...

I just "discovered" the (almost) perfect coffee shop in Chicago - fair trade coffee and tea, three levels of comfy chairs and couches, bright sun light, and trees painted on the walls. If only the music was classical and there were gluten-free goodies, it would be coffeehouse perfection. Next time you are in Chicago - check out The Noble Tree.