Monday, October 19, 2009

Maine day 4 - part 3 - notable stops along the way

 We drove on past blueberry fields in their fall splendour. This was the sublime part of the day. The ridiculous was further on. Because we stopped for everything, we stopped at this Blueberry Emporium.


It was fun. Then we took a small detour to Jonesport where we found:

 Important lesson learned: when they catch it, it's a herring, but in the can, it's a sardine:

Note the Fuzzy Wuzzy cat food on the bottom shelf. This is the last of our adventure until we find some time to go further down Route One, and I've found a great place to stay once we've reached Key West - sometime - some year

And now for those who like sheep and dogs: (I loved this.) From Wales: "Extreme Sheep herding" with thanks to Shelagh:

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Blueberries and sardines -- yum!