Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Maine day 3 - Mile Zero

 We started out at Mile Zero in Fort Kent, stopping to see the blockhouse, before leaving town and beginning our rather wet road trip. The blockhouse is a remnant of the Aroostock War, a bit of saber rattling over boundary issues. 

Down the road I thought that I saw a potato on a pole, being as it was on the edge of potato fields, but it was round and looked remarkably like Jupiter. Then we realized that we were in the middle of the Maine Solar System and subsequently found Uranus, Neptune and Venus - but none of the others. A look on the web site later showed us why: The pictures came from this site as the rain was pouring down.
Here is an Eric Idle selection which seems appropriate:

It had stopped by the time we reached heaven, Hub Cap Heaven:  

Perhaps a more inspiring view is that of Grand Lake: 

And on we went, stopping at last at Robbinston, with Strawberry Daiquiris to celebrate our first leg of the journey.


Debra She Who Seeks said...

So now you can tell people you went all over the galaxy! Then laugh and blame the strawberry daiquiris!

Emily said...

Oh goodie! Nathan is going to love the planet sculptures. How fun. It certainly is motivation to drive north...

Rita said...

yummy in every way