Saturday, October 17, 2009

why I was late

Why I was late for the Church Bazaar: I was getting a stove put in my Nova Scotia house - heat at last! I had the appointment for a couple of months. Yes, the wait is that long. Thursday I packed up the car to make the trip after work when I saw that the left front tyre is low, not flat, but low. So I drove to the nearest tyre place and the guy found a nail and patched the tyre. So I'm late to the office, but I drive home to Nova Scotia later that afternoon. Friday morning my beautiful stove arrived: joy and rapture unconfined. I spent the rest of the day lighting little fires to cure it and to build up the ash layer.

But the church bazaar and luncheon was today. So at 5:00 a.m. I started back to New Brunswick. Less than halfway on a major highway I passed over an expansion plate on a bridge and the patched tyre blew. Kaboom! Two holes and the smell of burning rubber.

I should have had the presence of mind to have taken the picture when the tyre was still on the car. This being Saturday, once the tyre was changed and the little doughnut put on, there was not a tyre my car's size in the nearest town. But someone had had their tyres changed the day before and they found an approximate tyre in the discards behind the garage. So at least an hour and a half later I was on my way again with an odd tyre and a missing hub cap. I already have an appointment on Monday to have my winter tyres put on.

Then it was to the apartment to change and get the axle grease of my hands. I arrived just as everything was being cleared up. They rummaged in the kitchen to find me lunch - a lovely lunch. And then the go around to see how they were doing. The "Ladies' Boutique" was just clearing up - but no one had bought the wedding dress. I do wonder why. I remarked upon it. The dress was handed to me, with tiara - and now for the occasion! They threw in two gold evening bags for good measure. My days do have their highs and lows.


Rita said...

you've had an adventure and with what a reward! plus 2 gold purses. how lucky can a woman be?

Debra She Who Seeks said...

I'm glad the blown tire didn't result in an accident! I think you should wear the wedding dress to your winter tire appointment -- and the tiara, too, of course. People don't dress up enough anymore.