Sunday, October 4, 2009

green ceiling

"Pickling Spice" is its name. How I would love to have the job of naming paints! The rain is pouring down. The wheelbarrow is standing forlornly in the daylily field. Today it is not enticing me. Tomorrow I return to New Brunswick, so it will wait there for a week and a half. But the studio ceiling has its first coat of green. So there is accomplishment. As upstairs is a half story the ceiling reaches down to a three foot wall, so it is not just above, but beside me, too. The second coat will have to wait. Now to cup of tea and a good book. I'm reading Timothy Findley's "Not Wanted on the Voyage".

1 comment:

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Enjoy your book! You've earned it after your hard labour! Timothy Findley is always a good read.