Sunday, August 26, 2007

fortune cookie

I went out for lunch with a friend. Choices are fairly limited when it comes to fine dining up here, but there are lots of Chinese restaurants. So we went to the lunch buffet and chowed down. Then, with the bill, came the ubiquitous fortune cookies. I passed my hand over the top of the two cookies to pick up the vibes in order to see which one was the right one for me. It was the cookie on the left. I opened the cookie, and then I read the fortune. The waitress came to pick up the plate. "No, I need to take a picture of the cookie." The message to me was: "Ask not what your fortune cookie can do for you but what you can do for your fortune cookie". Is this my future?

1 comment:

Niagara Anglophile said...

Hi, it's John.

I believe in fortune cookies. Before I left Pennsylvania, I went to Chinese restaurants frequently and got messages in my cookies affirming my imminent move, even though I had some doubts. The messages were surprisingly on queue with what I was pondering. Beforehand, though, I had prayed to ask for guidance.